What Are the Benefits of Using a Device Holder?

Posted by Nicholas Crusie on

It happens every time.  You carefully prop your device against some (likely unstable) object and position yourself awkwardly in front of it so that the camera captures the perfect angle to begin your web-based meeting.  Then, suddenly, without warning, the device slips and lands face up, giving your meeting attendees a clear shot of your dirty ceiling fan blades.

Or maybe you’re elbow deep under the hood of your car attempting to make a repair, when your tablet (displaying your instructional video) falls from its position, leaving you wondering what to do next.  Or just maybe, you were one of the fortunate many who got to experience the joys of virtual schooling in the past six months.  If so, you know how difficult it is to keep a device in place while your children clamor around it trying to work and talk to the screen at the same time.

No matter what kind of device-propping mishap you’ve had, the solution is using a device holder to steady your device while you work, listen, record, and talk hands free.  The PUK multifunctional, multi-device holder is the only device holder of its kind.  With three different sized device ports, the PUK device holder can hold any sized tablet or smartphone, even if it’s in a bulky case.  The PUK also allows you to use your devices in both portrait and landscape mode, allowing you the freedom of choice in determining how you want to view your on-screen content.  If you’re concerned you won’t be able to charge your device while it’s in the PUK holder, think again.  Unlike some other device holders, the PUK is completely portable and does not encumber your ability to charge your device while viewing it. 

Still not convinced you really need a device holder?  We get it; we used the “prop up” method for years before finally realizing there had to be a better way.  Once you try the PUK device holder you’ll truly wonder how you ever lived without it.  Here are our top five favorite benefits of using a device holder, like the PUK, in your everyday life. 


Video/Media Creation


In a world where social media determines value and the popularity of your next Instagram story hangs on your ability to craft semi-professional looking content of yourself doing semi-professional things, video quality counts.  Even if you’re not part of the social media circuit and you just want to make a video of the kids to send to a relative, or explain how to make your family-famous meatloaf, a device holder is an absolute must.

A device holder can keep your device in an upright and locked position, preventing it from slipping, sliding, or falling while you record your content.  Additionally, with a device holder, you never have to worry about weird camera angles-the device holder keeps your camera steady so you don’t experience camera wobble or shake, or end up recording only your forehead because the device has slid down from its original position. 

Your viewers (however limited or expansive your audience) will rejoice when you begin recording media that looks and feels more professional and steady.  You’ll enjoy the ability to truly focus on what you’re recording without the need for a million takes to stop and reposition your device or pick it back up. 


Follow-Along Instructional Content


You’re almost ready to stick that vegan, gluten-free cake in the oven-you’ve only got thirty more “simple” steps in the recipe-and the cooking professional on-screen starts moving along faster than you can keep up.  You reach your batter-coated hand to your device to hit the “pause” button, and effectively knock your device over into a bowl of flour.  “Should’ve used a PUK,” you think to yourself, and if you don’t, you probably will after reading this. 

A PUK device holder could’ve stopped this from happening, and can help you with any kind of on-screen instructional content you follow.  One of the hardest parts of following on-screen instruction is getting behind.  Sometimes, you just gotta pause.  That’s a piece of (vegan, gluten-free) cake if you’re using a PUK device holder.  You won’t have to worry that your attempt to pause your device will send it sailing off the counter or slap it face down into a baking material.  The PUK keeps your device steadfastly in position and paused until you’ve caught up with what you’re doing. 




Long sits in airport terminals, delays on the tarmac, four hour in-flight sits; air travel isn’t the glamorous event it once was.  In fact in some cases, taking the family truckster ala Clark Griswold style might actually save you time.  For the instances when air travel is a must, however, a PUK device holder is a must for your carry-on.

The design of the PUK makes it extremely portable.  Measuring about as wide as the bottom of a rocks glass and about an inch tall, the PUK takes up precious little room in a bag; in fact, you can simply slide it in your pocket or handbag if that carry-on is crammed full.  The rubberized bottom of the PUK ensures that when you place it on your tray-table your device is safe even during turbulent travel.  Instead of holding your device the entire flight or attempting to use a circular socket device to keep it in position, break out the PUK and enjoy a movie, a book, or anything else that “airplane mode” provides. 

If you do decide a car trip is best, the PUK can help then, too.  Ward off the “are we there yets” with a tablet they can actually work on in comfort.  Simply providing a solid lap tray allows your kiddos to watch their devices or play their favorite games in an upright position, which can also prevent them from getting car sick, if they’re prone to it. 


Conference Calls/Web Based Meetings


If 2020 has taught us nothing else, it’s that we can conduct a lot of business online.  This includes meetings and in-person conferences.  What 2020 has also taught us is that some of us (a lot of us) just aren’t that device savvy.  If you’ve been dubbed “forehead guy” by your coworkers, the PUK can help. 

Delivering you the ability to keep your device in place in a position that captures your entire face (and not just your forehead) you and your coworkers will be able to conduct a more productive and less distracting web-based meeting simply by your newfound ability to use your device more effectively. 

Additionally, the need for hands free usage of your device is a paramount necessity during web-based meetings and conferences.  Whether you need to key in information on your pc, or jot down hand-written notes, being able to use your device hands free while you engage in business is a huge asset, especially when you can rely on that hands-free freedom and trust it won’t let you down or embarrass you by falling over! 




No matter how safe we are, two-thirds of us will break, crack, or chip our devices at some point. If you’re somewhat of a klutz, this isn’t a surprise to you.  But for those of us who feel we really take good care of our devices, this can be shocking.  The fact is, the more we use our devices, the more we are at risk of drops, cracks, slips, and slides.  Using a device holder like the PUK can eliminate this risk and ensure that the devices we use are safe while in use.  And even though smartphone manufacturers are in a race to develop unbreakable glass screens, we’re pretty sure there are those among us who will even give those a run for their money.   

If you have kids, device safety is a paramount concern.  No matter how bulky, rubberized, or “kid-proof” their device case is made, it seems they always find a way around the safety aspect and break the device inside.  This is due to a lot of device handling, and a lot of handling can be eliminated by simply propping your child’s device in a PUK device holder.  If their device is in a clear, viewable, and stable position, they’ll be less likely to grab it unnecessarily.  Less grabs and pulls equates to less chances those devices get tossed, toppled, or shoved off a table. 

Incidentally, kids love the PUK because it’s small and easy for them to carry with them.  Whether they want to watch a movie in their room, take their device outside, or read an on-screen book in a tent fort, the PUK can easily go with them and relocate when an uninvited sibling storms the tent fort walls. 

We’re hard on our devices, and we use them incessantly.  Using a device holder like the PUK is the best way to get the most out of our social media usage and ensure our devices are as safe as possible while we use them.  Using our devices hands free is a huge asset whether we are using our devices for business or for pleasure.  The PUK can help you get the most hands-free benefit out of your device while keeping it in place and secure. 





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