How To Stop a Dog From Chewing Their Bed

Posted by Nicholas Crusie on

Dogs are known for their love of sleep, snoozing an average of 12-14 hours per day. However, when they're not sleeping, they can be quite mischievous. We’ve all seen the aftermath of a dog's destructive chewing - houses covered in white fluff with a guilty pup nearby. 

It can be exhausting and frustrating for pet owners but don't despair. Even if it seems like you're constantly replacing dog beds, there are ways to curb your dog's destructive habits. In this blog, we'll explore the reasons why dogs chew their beds and provide tips on how to stop this behavior and promote healthier chewing habits.

Why Do Dogs Chew Their Bed?

Just like humans, every dog has their own unique personality and set of quirks. So, it's no surprise that the reasons why they chew on their beds can vary from pup to pup. However, understanding the root cause behind this behavior is key to putting a stop to it once and for all. Here are some of the most common reasons why your furry friend may be acting out:

Separation Anxiety

If your pup is suffering from separation anxiety, it can cause them a great deal of stress and unhappiness. Chewing on their bed is a common symptom of this condition. When left alone for long periods, your furry friend may turn to gnawing on their bed as a form of comfort.

Recovery from separation anxiety isn't always a linear process. It's essential to start your pup off slow by gradually getting them used to staying at home for manageable intervals. For example, you could begin by crating your dog and leaving them alone for a few minutes. Then, gradually increase the duration as they become more comfortable.


Dogs need mental and physical stimulation to stay healthy. If your pup is bored, they will likely turn to their bed as a source of entertainment. To keep your furry friend busy throughout the day, set up some boredom-busting activities like interactive dog toys and puzzle feeders filled with treats. Not only will this help distract them from chewing on their bed, but it can also give them an outlet to burn off some energy.


Chewing can be a form of stress relief for dogs, especially those who suffer from anxieties due to past traumas or phobias. To help manage and reduce your pup's stress levels, try giving them massages or brushing their fur. You could even invest in some calming aids such as a Thundershirt or Adaptil

How to Stop a Dog From Chewing Their Beds

Dogs are creatures of habit, and that includes their penchant for chewing on their beds. But let's face it, a chewed-up bed is no fun for anyone - it's a total eyesore and a pain to clean. So, it's best to nip this habit in the bud before it becomes a real problem.

To do that, you'll need to retrain your furry friend to chew on something else. This not only saves their bed from destruction but also saves you from the headache of cleaning up a big mess.

Teething-Induced Chewing

Just like us, puppies lose their baby teeth and experience pain when new teeth grow in. This causes dogs to chew anything and everything to ease this pain. Although this usually ends by the time your dog reaches the six-month mark, it can yield a chewed-up bed nonetheless.

Here are two easy solutions to help your pup through this teething period:

Provide frozen treats. Ease your pup's teething discomfort and prevent bed chewing by offering frozen treats. Frozen toys or an ice cube can provide a simple solution to numb the pain and keep your furry friend entertained.

Provide edible chews. Offer your dog an edible chew, such as a bully stick, to encourage them to chew on something tasty and entertaining instead of their new bed.

Boredom-Induced Chewing

Chewing is normal but sometimes can be directed toward inappropriate items such as shoes, furniture, or their own beds. When dogs are left alone for too long, are very hyper, or don’t get enough exercise, they become bored and look for stimulation by chewing. 

Upgrade to a Durable Dog Bed

If you're tired of constantly replacing your dog's sleeping area, it's time to upgrade to a more durable option like a chew-proof dog bed. CordaRoy's Forever Pet Bed is a great choice for pet owners looking for a long-lasting solution. Made with high-quality materials, this bed is designed to withstand even the rowdiest pups. Its cover is removable and machine-washable, making the dog bed easy to keep clean and fresh for your furry friend. 

Don't settle for a flimsy bed that will only last a few weeks. Upgrade to CordaRoy's Forever Pet Bed and provide your pup with a cozy and durable sleeping spot they'll love for years to come.


It is important to teach your dog what to chew and what not to chew. When they chew on something like their own bed, direct their attention immediately to a toy that they are allowed to chew on instead. Another thing that can help with redirection is a deterrent spray.

Provide Chewable Toys

Make sure that your dog has plenty of toys and bones to hold their attention. For dogs that need extra supervision and stimulation, try providing varied types of toys, rotating them out every few days, so they stay interested.

It can also be helpful to identify the times of day when your dog is especially likely to chew and provide them with a puzzle toy filled with something delicious to keep them occupied.

Minimize Your Dog's Boredom

Regular exercise is a great way to reduce your pup's boredom, but if a walk isn't feasible, you have other options. Try leaving on the TV or giving them a new toy to play with for some mental stimulation. With a little creativity and effort, you can keep those naughty teeth from wreaking havoc on their bed.

Anxiety-Induced Chewing

Anxiety-induced chewing can be aggressive and harmful to your pup. Especially when involving a cloth bed full of stuffing, pieces can become lodged in a dog’s digestive tract, leading to serious health issues. 

Often, anxiety chewers are the hardest to stop. Because of this, it is important to arm yourself with the best products that will withstand your dog's teeth while you work with them to eliminate anxiety-inducing triggers and train them to find other outlets.

What Not To Do

Patience is key when teaching your furry friend to avoid destructive behaviors. Remember that even the most problematic chewers are not acting out of spite. So, try not to take it personally. Instead, interrupt their chewing behavior, redirect them to a more appropriate toy, and give them praise for chewing on the right thing. 

It's essential to avoid physical punishment or any form of negative reinforcement. Hitting or yelling at your dog will only create fear and anxiety, and may even exacerbate their chewing habit. Avoid these harmful behaviors at all costs to create a safe and loving environment for your furry companion.


Chewing is a normal behavior for dogs and can be beneficial to their teeth and gums, but it’s important to teach them which items are appropriate to chew on. If your pup tends to chew on their beds, upgrade to a more durable option like one of our Forever Pet Beds and provide them with plenty of dog toys and stimulation. 

Redirect their attention away from inappropriate objects and reward them when they chew on the right things. Most importantly, never use physical punishment or negative reinforcement to stop your pup’s chewing habit; these will only make it worse. With patience and consistency, you can help your pup break their destructive chewing habits in no time.


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